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MACJR'S Supernova dust Logo
MACJR'S Supernovas Animation


In a younger universe, a super-giant star exploded with colossal force. Briefly, its light outshone its galaxy. The dead star's light quickly faded and its expelled dust cooled as it journeyed outward into the deep night of the cosmos.

Stellar ages passed, the dust drifted among the gasses leftover from creation; hydrogen and helium from the big bang spread thin in an expanding universe.

Eons more time elapsed with the dust and gasses being gravitationally tugged this way and that by nearby stars. Giants and dwarf all around, young and old stars in a galaxy traveling ever outward.

Super-giant stars burn their fuel quickly, compared to the common yellow dwarf star. In time relative, shortly, a nearby super-giant star exploded violently.

Supernova bright super-dust, and gravitational ripples of raw energy, now mix with old cold dust and ancient gasses.

More uncounted time passes as the dust and gasses, now a great cloud, a nebula, bunch together and began to swirl.

Faster and faster, tighter and brighter, the dust and gas became denser at the center, a spinning sphere forms.

Gravity severe crushing atoms; fusion begins. A new star is born.

From the ashes and gasses of old came our sun, and the planets, and all of us. We are all created from supernova dust.


By Michael A. Crane, Jr.
Original Version: January 11, 2002
Version 5: January 2, 2004


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