Link Notes
I like to link to websites that display artistic talent, personal achievement, educational value, or at least serve a useful purpose of some sort, and does not break copyright laws. The following pages contain links to some of the sites that I found interesting at one time or another.
If you have an artistic web site, with your own, original, content, and would like to have your site listed on these Link to Elsewhere pages, please feel free to contact me with a link request. I do not, however, link to business websites that only have a single page of links to other web sites that may have relevant content. I ignore all such link requests from business owned sites. If I do choose to add your site to my Links to Elsewhere pages, please provide a thumbnail image, or a reasonably-sized banner (it has to fit within my page layout), to represent your site.
Before I add links to these pages, I check the web site’s content for "General" (G) or "Parental Guidance" (PG) audience suitability, but I take no responsibility for sites that change their contents to something other than G or PG after their links were added here.
If you find any website listed on these pages to be offensive, please feel free to inform me of which link offended you, and what it was that offended you. I will then check the site to see if it is still suitable for these Links to Elsewhere pages. However, if I judge the site in question to have valid artistic value for its content, I reserve the right to leave that link in place. In the event that I keep a link that has been flagged by a visitor as offensive, I will, at my discretion, post a notice stating that some people may find that site offensive.
If you find broken or invalid links, or links to sites that clearly have content that do not match the category listing they are listed under, please let me know. Unfortunately, sites tend to go offline, or get taken over by new owners, fairly often. Other times, a site owner may choose to take a new direction that no longer fits the category that they are listed under here.
One last thing, all of the link images on these pages are copyrighted © by the artists who created them. Please do not take, or use, their work without their permission. Please respect the artists, and the copyright laws.
Michael A. Crane, Jr.