Quantum Pages


About The Quantum Pages

Not everyone will understand some of the writings on the following pages. However, some of the prose should be easy enough for most people to understand, and hopefully, enjoy.

On these pages, I am trying to be more educational and or speculative, and even somewhat spiritual in some cases, rather than opinionated political, romantic, adventurous, dramatic, or traumatic. I have all those, or will have, at other locations scattered throughout my website.

Do not feel bad if you want to understand what I write on these pages but you just cannot. It may take someone with special interests, and knowledge, to understand some of the concepts and ideas expressed here. I have read many science and science fiction books over the decades and these pages reflect some of that.

If you are curious, take a look. If you have questions, please ask.


Michael A. Crane, Jr.

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by Michael A. Crane, Jr.
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