I am
I am.
How long has this been so?
Just when did I begin?
How long ago when awareness first came?
Now that I look back it is all crystal clear,
and yet a haze,
so many, many lifetimes,
and so many, many different realities,
all so similar and yet all very different.
How is it that I remember being all the particles at subatomic,
and being each and every star,
and feel all the universes I have been,
and all the ones I will be,
flow through my veins?
How is it that I remember being everything that ever lived
and all that did not?
Are there things that even I will never know?
When I look into the depths of my being,
I see everything that I have ever been
and all that I will be.
I remember everything.
Early versions of me,
becoming aware of self
and learning to manipulate things.
They often worshiped me and begged for my help.
I can do nothing.
They are my past and my future,
not my present.
They have to learn on their own,
that the answers to their prayers are within them.
For they are the makers of miracles
not me.
I just am.
All I can do is give light
and be them.
I am
By Michael A. Crane, Jr.
Original Version: April 11, 1999
Version 2: January 8, 2004